Episode 102: Our Call Beyond Therapy


This week, Jake and Bob discuss their journeys away from being therapists and the reasons behind their decisions. They reflect on their experiences, share how they outgrew their roles as therapists, and how they found other outlets to use their charisms and gifts. Jake and Bob also share the burdens they felt before and after making the change and how surrendering their work to the Holy Spirit has helped bear more fruit than ever before.


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Key Points

  • Therapy can be a demanding profession that requires selflessness and a high level of holiness.

  • Outgrowing the role of a therapist can be a natural part of personal growth and development.It could be a difficult but necessary step in answering God's call to a larger audience.

  • Supernatural opposition can occur when bringing the Kingdom of God into the world.

  • The Holy Spirit is the primary therapist and therapists should surrender to His guidance.


Episode 103: Our Hopes and Concerns for Psychotherapy


Episode 101: Healing Through Holy Sites