Episode 27: Unity in Marriage | Part 1


This week kicks off a new series on finding unity in marriage. Jake and Bob will share what they’ve learned through their own marriages and their professional work with married couples. In this episode, they discuss how marriage is a union of two broken people, but by inviting in the love of God, growing together in unity is made possible. A couple can grow and heal together during the journey of their marriage. Our hosts set the stage for a great series and share tips that will help a marriage become stronger.


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Show Notes

Guiding Quote

“For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This is a great mystery, but I speak in reference to Christ and the church. In any case, each one of you should love his wife as himself, and the wife should respect her husband.” Ephesians 5:31-33


Key Points

  • What is the standard of marriage? It seems to be shifting in culture but it is unchanging in God’s eyes. Jesus’ love for the Church is the standard.

  • When we marry someone, we marry the Christ in them and the broken Adam or Eve in them as well. They married the same.

  • Marriage ceremony has the bride being unveiled. This is a symbol for marriage as the two become unveiled for one another both good and bad. The fig leaves are removed and we see each other fully.

  • We can help each other through healing.

  • God is making “new wine” through the pressing/struggle.

  • Our vows are unilateral. They don’t just apply when reciprocated.

  • The grace of the Sacraments(confession, Eucharist) is essential for a good, loving marriage.

  • We should pray our wedding vows often.


Practical Application

  • These three will be discussed throughout the series:

    • Information

    • Re-formation

    • Transformation




Episode 28: Unity in Marriage | Part 2


Episode 26: Family Wounds | Part 4 (Siblings)