Episode 36: Healing in Marriage with Chris & Natalie Stefanick


In this bonus episode in our series on Healing in Marriage, Jake and Dr. Bob are joined by Chris & Natalie Stefanick. Ten years into their marriage, the recognition of childhood abuse launched them into a challenging season of healing that ultimately demonstrates the power of God’s love, the grace of the sacrament of marriage and hope that healing from deep wounds is not only possible, but part of God’s desire for our restoration.


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Show Notes

Guiding Quote

“They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.” - Isaiah 61:3


Key Points

  • Ten years into their marriage, recognition of childhood abuse launched the Stefanicks into a challenging season of healing

  • One spouse’s healing journey unearthed wounds in the other and both needed to find healing together as a married couple 

  • Sometimes abuse isn’t identified as abuse until later in life

  • Calling out the lies of the enemy and navigating feelings that ‘I wish you’d be fixed so that I’d be okay’

  • The image of an oak tree in its strength, providing safety for others to heal

  • The blessings in their marriage and family after working through the pain


Practical Application

  • If you’re struggling with the pain of sexual abuse, counseling can be a great help

  • What lies do you need to pray against in your marriage?

  • Pray to recognize how your spouse has been healing for you and how you can be healing for your spouse




Episode 37: Sexual Healing (Part 1) - An Intro to Sexual Healing


Episode 35: Healing in Marriage with Heather Khym