Episode 105: The Four Identities (brother/sister) w/ Heather Khym


This week, Jake and Bob are once again joined by Heather Khym to continue with part two of their four part series on the four identities of a human. In this episode, they focus on the identity of brother/sister and explore the sense of belonging, safety, and camaraderie that stems from these types of relationships. They also delve into the wounds a broken brother/sister relationship can cause, discuss the healing power of healthy affection, and how the saints can become our spiritual siblings.


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Key Points

  • Healthy brother and/or sister relationships provide safety, camaraderie, and healing through healthy affection and mutual support.

  • Woundedness in brother and sister relationships can lead to deep despair and a sense of not belonging.

  • The power of brotherhood and sisterhood lies in the invitation to belong and the opportunity to heal from wounds.

  • The saints can become our spiritual brothers and sisters.


Episode 106: The Four Identities (Bride/Bridegroom) w/ Heather Khym


Episode 104: The Four Identities (SON/DAUGHTER) w/ Heather Khym