Episode 106: The Four Identities (Bride/Bridegroom) w/ Heather Khym


This week, Jake and Bob are once again joined by Heather Khym to continue with part three of their four part series on the four identities of a human. In this episode, they focus on the identity of bride/bridegroom and delve into the interconnectedness of each identity and why healing is essential to living them out fully. They discuss self-giving vs. self-seeking love, the role of bride/bridegroom in every vocation, and how learning to love others well is an important aspect of our healing journeys.


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Key Points

  • The four identities of a person (son/daughter, brother/sister, bride/bridegroom, mother/father) are interconnected and require healing and integration to be lived out fully.

  • The healing process involves both receiving love and learning to love well through practice and maturation.

  • The sacraments play a crucial role in the restoration of relationships and offer a framework for understanding love and healing within various vocations and states of life.

  • The bride/bridegroom identity points towards our universal call to love within different states of life (single, married, and religious life).


Episode 107: The Four Identities (Father/Mother) w/ Heather Khym


Episode 105: The Four Identities (brother/sister) w/ Heather Khym